Free Web Analysis

Web Design

Free website builders never give you the level of control that’s needed for a complete website. Even if you’re able to design something that looks ok, it will never be designed in a way to gain exposure with search engine rankings. Building a website through TK allows you have the peace of mind knowing that you own your website. In addition to building your website, our web designers can help you build your overall brand and help expand your reach using free strategies like Twitter & Facebook.

Social Media

Social media marketing is perhaps the most powerful brand building tool of all, but only if it is managed correctly. Social media is no longer a reactive project that you pursue in free time on the weekends. You have other things to worry about running your business. Managing social media can be a full-time job and at TK, it is our full time job.

Graphic Design

Small business owners have a lot on their plates. That means you may put off creating new marketing materials, even if it is something you really need. You want to stand out. You can’t do that with a clip art logo or a template flier that is identical to 11 of 12 of your competitors. TK will provide your business with marketing materials that are unique and stand out from your competitors. If customers think they’ve seen you before, they are more likely to choose to contact you for your products or services.

App Development

Statistics show that the average American spends more than two hours a day on his or her mobile device. These days mobile apps at the small business level are still rare, and this is where you can take a big leap ahead of your competitors. Be the first in your neighborhood to offer a mobile app to your customers. Your competitors will be astonished by your forward-thinking approach.

Our Clients

The Transformation

View the transformation process from clunky and outdated to functional and modern

A quick, over-the-shoulder view of our recent work...